Monday, July 19, 2010

First Headache Post

So here I am everyone. Writing my first blog post. No pressure, of course, except for the fact that I have just been struck by major writer's block. On my first post! Such is the story of my life. I don't work well under pressure. And before you go and say it, I am quite aware that the number of people who will see this post is probably all of two people. But that's still two more people than I am used to. I'm not usually a blog kinda gal. In fact I wouldn't even have this page up if not for my blog-nazi boyfriend insisting that I get off my butt and start writing again. Oh, the struggles of having a supportive person by one's side. Don't worry, though. I shall overcome.

I'm going to try and write on this blog at least once a week. If you knew how hard it is for someone who has never had any kind of journal before, you would be grateful for just that. And if you're looking for any specific niche topic, you're out of luck. Topics will vary. From something I've seen on the street, to something I've watched or read on the internet, to just a general topic one of my friends pitched to me and wanted to read about. I will do it all. And why? Because that's just how I roll, yo...Okay, sorry. Will never use "yo" again in my writing. Scout's honor...Unless you liked it. Then I'll consider doing it again. But only if you ask nicely.