Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First Time in a Long Time

Okay, so I apparently lied. I did not update my profile every week like I planned. Hell I barely made it through one post. For those 2 people in cyberspace out there who care, I apologize.

But alas, I am back.

Not because of a real desire to say something profound or anything. It was really just a passing fancy to do something...anything, that would keep me from passing out in front of my keyboard at my internship.

That's right people. I'm an intern. A lowly, bottom-feeding, sad excuse of free labor. Or as you non-PC people may say, a slave.

Alright, so maybe I'm exaggerating a little. But if you've ever been an intern, could you blame me? I have never come across a person who liked it. And if you're an intern currently and say you like it, you're a freakin' liar and can get the hell off my blog!

Did my sudden burst of anger scare any of you out there away? Good. That was my intention. Now only strong willed and honest people are reading my thoughts... So basically I'm talking to myself. Which is fine. I'm used to it. I'm an intern, remember?

I guess it could be worse I suppose. I hear stories of interns who work long hours for zero pay. Those poor slobs who are always on their feet and are sent to go fetch everything from 50 boxes of xerox paper at Staples to tic tacs and tampons at Duane Reade. But honestly, at least they're doing something. Is going to the same store 5 times in one day worse than doing nothing while staring at a clock, literally watching the seconds of your precious life pass you by?

I don't know. Ask me again when I've woken up from this coma that I call a job.

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